شیلد +GrovePi برای اتصال سنسورهای Grove به رسپبری

شیلد +GrovePi برای اتصال سنسورهای Grove به رسپبری


GrovePi+ are compatible with Pi 3, please check the details from Dexter blog.

What is GrovePi+

GrovePi+ is a system with 15 Grove 4-pin interfaces that brings Grove sensors to the Raspberry Pi. It is the newest version compatible with Raspberry model B/B+ and A+ perfectly. 

GrovePi+ is an easy-to-use and modular system for hardware hacking with the Raspberry Pi, no need for soldering or breadboards: plug in your Grove sensors and start programming directly. Grove is an easy to use collection of more than 100 inexpensive plug-and-play modules that sense and control the physical world. By connecting Grove Sensors to the Raspberry Pi, it empowers your Pi in the physical world.   With hundreds of sensors to choose from Grove families, the possibilities for interaction are endless.

 Please be notice: The Raspberry Pi board  is not included. 

What is New
  • Compatible with Raspberry Pi B/B+/A+/2 perfectly
  • Faster SPI and higher reliability UART connections
  • Easier to assemble camera cables and LCD cables
  • Simplified procedures of firmware update

Getting started

Step 1 - Slip the GrovePi+ board over your Raspberry Pi

Step 2 - Connect the Grove modules to the GrovePi+ board

Step 3 - Upload your program to Raspberry Pi

Step 4 - Begin taking in the world data


Getting started with GrovePi+

Programming the GrovePi+

More Grove Sensors Compatibled with Raspberry Pi